A healthy diet is taking in sufficient and balanced amounts of nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, mineral and water) necessary for the correct and regular functioning of the cells that make up our body.

Our body needs all the nutrients. Therefore, one-sided nutrition (by taking only carbohydrates or only fat) is wrong. The person obtains his energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Daily intake levels of these nutrients are very important to us. Each individual has unique energy needs. In addition, the vitamin and mineral ratios that individuals should take daily vary. Insufficient intake of these elements makes the body prone to many diseases, not just weakening. Just like undernutrition, overnutrition also leads to obesity, which can lead to various complications. Apart from this, although the individual thinks that he is fed enough, he cannot make the right choice or use the wrong cooking method.

Nutrition begins for us in the womb and continues throughout infancy, childhood, adulthood, pregnancy, and old age. In other words, we need to understand the importance of adequate and balanced nutrition for one’s health. Nutrition is important not only for the individual and the family, but also for the quality of the society. The importance given to the nutrition of the person will ensure that he is active and fit throughout the day. For this reason, it is necessary to give importance to nutrition throughout life, not in certain periods of life.

We can make our nutrition a little more reliable with some small details that we will make a rule for ourselves in our lives.

Make life healthier?.

Never start the day without breakfast. A good breakfast will allow you to enter other meals during the day more controlled. After breakfast, choose snacks and main meals for yourself and choose the way of eating less and often during the day.

Keep your food consumption record. For example, by taking a note of all the foods you eat in a day, you can see more clearly what kind of nutrition you follow during the day, so you can look at your nutrition more objectively.

No food you will eat will make you feel full for days, so pay attention to the quality of what you eat.

If you don’t feel really hungry, don’t eat to eat. Try to drink more fluids.

Consume less foods high in saturated fat and use unsaturated fats in adequate amounts in your meals.

Reduce the amount of sugar you consume daily and avoid consuming excessively sugary foods.

Always check size. Keep your glasses large while your portion sizes are small.

Take care to consume 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily. Cook vegetables and fruits in a short time in little water.

Reduce your alcohol intake and try to stay away from this situation if you regularly consume alcohol.

Take care to consume foods rich in calcium, vitamin C and iron

Include milk and dairy products in your daily diet.

Never neglect your fluid intake, make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.